
Are you tired of doing the same everyday? Looking for a different patient care experience that restores your passion for helping people?


"I love working at Roots.

Hearing the stories of the people we serve is a humbling reminder of the resilience of the human spirit."

Dr. Nazia Niazi, who regularly takes time away from her own local practice to work at Roots

Gain a Rewarding Experience Caring for Refugees in Surrey

We are looking for Primary Care Providers who enjoy helping marginalized and vulnerable patients, such as refugees. Our mission is to provide person-centered, longitudinal care to vulnerable newcomers through an interdisciplinary, culturally safe team (2 min video about us here).

  • Scheduling: Very flexible. Physicians are welcome to join us from a half-day every 2 weeks to multiple days a week.

  • Location: You have the option of caring for patients in person or through virtual visits from home.

  • Support: Knowledge of Arabic is a plus, but translation support is available for both onsite and virtual visits in addition to direct support from Allied Health team members, our Medical Directors, and our Centre Coordinator.

  • EMR: Profile (by Intrahealth).

  • Payments: Fee for Service (FFS) competitive split with no other additional hidden deductions or costs to Physicians.

Interested? Reach out to us with interest or questions with the form below, or email us anytime at

Working at Roots and seeing vulnerable patients is a good reminder of why I chose to be a doctor.
— Dr. Hala Ahmed